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Some of the Most Nutritious Foods In the World

If you are trying to manage and take control of your health, one of the easiest ways to achieve success is to make changes to your diet. Apart from providing the energy that is required, the foods you have regularly should also benefit your health in various ways and health fight against conditions of the heart and cancer. We have compiled for you some of the most nutritious foods which are available and should be included in your diet.

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.Tecumseh

Given below Are Some of The Most Nutritious Foods In the World


The fat content in avocados can actually lower the cholesterol in your body. Researchers have concluded that replacing around 5% of your calories from saturated fat with monounsaturated fat which is available in avocados could reduce the risk of heart attacks by more than 33%. Avocados are also rich in properties which act as a cancer deterrent.


Your heart will thank you for having beans because they are rich in soluble fiber that can soak cholesterol and allow the body to get rid of it before it can stick to the walls of the artery. Diets that are high in soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol by approximately 10 to 15%. When combined with beans protein the soluble fiber makes the beans beneficial for blood sugar. The magnesium within the soluble fiber relaxes the arteries and gives the blood adequate room to flow thereby reducing blood pressure. Beans have also been ranked as one of the top antioxidants which are good for your skin.


The pigment of the plant that makes blueberries blue is an antioxidant and is known as flavonoids. It has the ability to guard against heart disease, cancer, age-related blindness and loss of memory. Blueberries are also highly effective in preventing infections of the urinary tract because of the antioxidants that keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. Moreover, the fiber within the blueberries makes them a powerful antidote for the problem of constipation.


If you want one of the best fighters against cancer broccoli should be on your list. Broccoli has sulfur compounds which will be evident to you even when cooking this vegetable. These compounds encourage our genes to boost the production of enzymes that can detoxify compounds which can cause cancer. Having more broccoli will make it possible for you to reduce the risks of breast cancer, colon cancer by nearly 50%. Broccoli is also a great nondairy source of calcium and potassium and therefore it is good both for your bones and your blood pressure. It can protect your eyes from cataracts and also safeguard your brain cells from the attacks of free radicals which can cause memory loss.

Dark Chocolate

If you believe you shouldn’t be eating dark chocolate you are advised to think again because it contains huge amounts of flavonoids that can fight diseases along with a number of antioxidants which are found in red wine and a number of fruits and vegetables. A number of flavonoids in dark chocolate is higher than in any other food. The antioxidants in dark chocolate can improve blood pressure, prevent the development of blood clots and slow down the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Studies have also suggested that having 45 g of dark chocolate every day can reduce the risk of heart attacks by 10%. Therefore the next time you are told not to have dark chocolate you should be prepared to counter that person with some questions.

Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It’s not about nutrients and calories. It’s about sharing. It’s about honesty. It’s about identity.Louise Fresco

The description we have provided should make it pretty evident to you that it is not at all difficult to take control of your health by using some of the foods mentioned within this discussion. If you are already using some of these foods you can rest assured you are already on the path of gaining better control over your health because you have had a head start.

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